The reticular activator is the attention center of the brain,

It works as a filter within our brains that decides which information is important enough to focus on. It controls what our minds absorb since none of us could possibly take in more than a tiny fraction of the information and stimuli available for us.

Much of this is already preprogrammed into us by age, gender, previous experiences and beliefs and part of it is in a constant change mode based upon the changes in and around us.

Let's say you are visiting some friends at their new home, There are things most men are programmed to notice such as the garage and the television. Meanwhile the women (who will notice much more than the men) will not miss the kitchen and decorating!

This part of your reticular activator is so strongly programmed that it is not likely to change unless and until your interests change.

The magazines we read are a great indicator of what we freely allow to flow into your reticular activators on a regular basis. It is only when something is of newfound importance to us that we realize how much of it we missed before.

To be continued...


Whenever speaking with others on the phone especially when speaking for the first time with a prospective borrower, try this formula...

  • "Their name" X 3
  • "Please" X 2
  • "Thank You" X 1

People are instantly attracted to those who are polite and call them by name. This formula will give you a dose of "instant charisma" with the person on the other end of the phone. 


The human brain is the most complex thing known to mankind and we still know only a tiny fraction about it. Since most of us use only about 3-4% of our brains and geniuses might use up to 5%.

One amazing function of the brain that none of us could live without is called the reticular activator. This part of our brain acts as an information filter through which our nervous systems are constantly bombarded with information.

A classic example of the reticular activator is how when we get a new car we suddenly notice all of the other identical cars on the road and we are amazed at how many there are! Understanding, why and how this vital cog in the brain functions is knowledge we can all use effectively and starting tomorrow we will begin to better understand the reticular activator and learn how to use its awesome power to our benefit.

To be continued...


The third and most important element of persuasion is emotion, which involves opening a person's imagination to see, feel and want what you have to offer. This is the tricky part of persuasion but anyone can do it as long as they know how.

Start by talking about the advantages of what you can offer and help paint a mental picture that appeals to their senses and their primary goal of obtaining a mortgage whether it is saving money, owning their own home, paying off debts, etc. Using words to create mental pictures of the customer's happiness is the key. words and situations that create positive emotions are all you need, but it takes practice. This ability to appeal to the emotions may be the most important selling tool ever.

So next time you win or lose a loan, ask yourself these three questions...

Did the customer trust me? Did I make sense? Did I move them to action?

If all were "yes" you should have won. If two are "yes" you probably lost and if only 0 to 1 are "yes" you never had a chance.


Look over yonder what do you see?

The sun is a-rising most definitely
A new day is coming people are changing
Ain’t it beautiful
Crystal blue persuasion

The excerpt from the above named 1969 song by Tommy James and the Shondells gives us a very positive look at a world full of persuasion rather than coercion.

Effective persuasion selling has three key elements; trust, logic and emotion.

A trusting first impression is key and chances are your customers trust you or at least have some sense of trust based upon their trust of whoever referred you. Trust is an essential element of persuasion and without it there is only a sale through coercion.

Indisputable logic- Your game plan for any particular customer must make sense and be professional, educated and compelling. Without indisputable logic, very few of us will ever be persuaded.

Tomorrow we will look at the third and most important element of persuasion; emotion. 


Many times when a sale is lost, one needs look no further than the difference between coercion and persuasion.

The best salespeople are especially good persuaders rather than coercers. Coercion is getting someone to do what you want them to do and it is usually associated with some type of force being applied to enact the coercion. Persuasion is getting people to want to do what you want them to do. The difference is like night and day, black and white, or in our case a closed loan or a loan lost.

The difference is all about human emotions and whether or not you tap into that person's sense of imagination to make them see, feel, and want what you have to offer. Persuasion is one of the best life skills for any person and certainly for salespeople. And just like sales people, persuaders are not born that way, they learn and so can you for the next few days!


Moderate effort over a long time is important, no matter what you are trying to do. One brings failure upon oneself by working extremely hard at the beginning, attempting to do too much, and then giving it all up after a short time.
— Dalai Lama

In other words all great endeavors, such as career, are marathons not sprints. Just as a world class sprinter could never maintain their 100 meter pace for 26 miles, people can not expect to succeed instantly and consistently in a long career by treating every day and every project like a sprint because failure and burnout are the result.

If we value or causes then we owe it to them not to fail!



You can handle  situations like yesterdays example gracefully and professionally every time with one easy sentence.

"Let me do a little research and call you back." The word research is very warm to most people because it has a very professional implication. The fact that you are willing to do "research" for them is usually quite gratifying. Just make sure to get as much information you can from them on the initial call and answer any questions that you are able to at that time.

To take it one step further, tell them when you will call back and call them earlier. Just and call them earlier. Just make sure you give yourself ample time to do your research and you will have under promised and over delivered making an excellent first impression!


An ancient Buddhist proverb says,

Misers certainly do not go to heaven. Fools don’t like being generous. But the wise, rejoicing in giving, find joy in the higher worlds.

How do you like to give? Hopefully not always in return for a previous favor or only when you are given to first.

Remember a gift is not deserved; otherwise it would be a payment.

This mindset, will not only bring you greater joy but it may also help you avoid RESPA violations!


Find your pleasure in your deference.

When we are frustrated, we become rude. Even if it is taken out on objects rather than on other people directly. Others will still feel it and can even be injured by it. Driving mad can be more dangerous than driving drunk while on a cell phone. And driving a golf ball into the weeds and then throwing your club is just plain wrong and dangerous to others.

Usually the root of the problem is some ridiculous need to put ourselves first at the moment. Do we have a genuine need to take first? The answer is almost always no.

Unfortunately the media, especially in sports, tends to make a big deal out of the coaches and players tantrums. How many times have you seen the replay of Bobby Knight throwing a chair on to the basketball court of Mike Ditka cussing out a reporter?

These are just a few of the bad examples of lack of anger management that we see on almost a daily basis. However, you can rise above it. Just take at least three deep breaths and ask yourself do I really need to win this one? If the frustration remains but we overcome it we can then achieve victory by giving ourselves credit for our deference!


Cell phones definitely increase the rate of automobile accidents but they are hardly the number one culprit.

The primary cause of accidents is not drunk driving, excessive speed, weather or vehicle malfunctions. The number one cause of accidents is drive inattention. Something we are all guilty of at times!

The distraction category is broken down by type and cell phones rank fifth just ahead of smoking and behind eating and drinking, talking with passengers, adjusting the stereo or heat system controls and the number one driver distraction is something going on outside the vehicle. Further, the number one cause of fatalities is not wearing a seat belt.

So please, for your sake and that of others, buckle up and pay attention behind the wheel. Most every one of us has known someone who passed away as the result of a car accident and some of us knew several. My heart is heavy now as I write this thinking of them. Ending a life by car accident is so very sad and usually so very avoidable. 



As you know, the use of cell phones while driving is dangerous. Thus it is prohibited by most companies for its employees. However, most people (including myself until I did this research) think that as long as they use an earpiece or other hands free device they are safe. Not true.

In fact studies have shown no benefit whatsoever to hands free devices because rarely does the actual holding of the phone up to one's ear cause the accident. Usually what distracts the driver enough to crash is dialing, talking, answering and/or trying to find the phone,

The biggest culprit of all however is that most of us are just over estimating the limitations of our attention especially if the conversation is very important or argumentative. The same studies found that heated conversations have a frequency of accidents as high as a driver with a .15% blood alcohol level which is more than enough to get you thrown in the slammer in all 50 states!

To be continued...


One of last week's Kaizen project winners advocated using drive time as call time or as many of you pointed out, to knowingly break company policy by being on the phone while driving.

The ability to place cell calls while in transit is a huge time saver right?

Maybe, however the benefits of a lifetime's worth of productive cell phone calls can be erased in the split second that precedes every car accident. In fact, the New England Journal of Medicine conducted a recent study that concluded driving while talking increases your odds of a crash by four times or roughly the same odds of a driver who is legally intoxicated!

Several countries and many states have enacted legislation that prohibits cell phone use while driving and the trend continues to the point where soon it will be illegal almost everywhere,

"But wait", you say, "I'm safe because I use a hands free device."

Not so.

To be continued...


Back by popular demand, the words of the Scorpions, a German hard rock band who write profoundly positive lyrics and perform their songs in English despite it being their second language. Here are some of their latest words of wisdom and motivation...

No turning back, no more yesterdays. I just don’t get lost in the haze. All my tomorrows, no sadness, no sorrow. Watch out for the rest of my days.

Stronger, the longer, I’m pushed to the limit. Said I’d do it someday, someday is now.

When i see the sun is shining, I’m flying. There’s no room for crying. I’m gonna win some way, someday is now.


When each is thus considered separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think I judge better and less likely to make a rash step.

We all wrestle with difficult decisions in our lives but did you know one of the most famous men in our country's history laid the groundwork for effective decision making in the 18th century?

In a letter to Joseph Priestly (the English scientist who discovered oxygen), Benjamin Franklin commented about complex decision that Priestly was faced with. Franklin wrote that "the problem of deciding inexplicable situations is that all reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time." As a result our minds are temporarily swayed back and forth depending on which aspect of the decision seems to be most important at the time.

To solve this little conundrum of human nature, Franklin would divide a sheet of paper into two columns "pro" and "con". Then over the next several days he would write in each column the positives and the negatives of the decision as they occurred to him in order to more carefully evaluate the devision.

The best part of Franklin's system is that it works because our minds can act like pendulums when face with complex decisions!


The final step in creating your own sales force of "Marketeers" is to do a special event for your most special customers. This is the part where your imagination can take over.

Some ideas include renting movie theaters for a special movie showing, a section of seats at a ballgame or show, photos with Santa, etc.. However, a good old fashioned party is usually the most powerful event you can host for a number of reasons. First of all, parties tend to have a relaxed atmosphere which is great for further bonding. Secondly, most people don't get invited to that money parties. Plus, if you make your party a great event at the same time every year they will want to return every year and therefore stay in touch with you as well as help you out in an effort to stay on the guest list.

Whatever type of event you plan, invest enough time and money to make it special for the customers, keep the business end of ti very low key and do it for the right reasons.

By following this "five step program", you will create loyal, raving "Marketeers" who will help your business thrive in the future. And that's no Mickey Mouse story!


Acknowledging referrals from your customers is one of the keys to obtaining even more referrals from them, Be gracious and let them know how much you appreciate their referrals and how important it is to your business. A simple, handwritten thank you note will convey your appreciation and blow most people away since very few business people, in any profession, acknowledge referrals at all. Big mistake!

Please make it your practice to thank people for referrals immediately after you are contacted rather than waiting until the closing,

Why? You ask.

Remember that just because a transaction did not close doesn't mean it wasn't a referral. Your customer tried and they did their part. Just because something happened that caused the transaction to not occur or the borrowers went elsewhere is no reason to withhold your thanks!


Maintaining consistent contact with your borrowers after the closing is essential. Here's how...

First, the Media Center will help you y touching your customers anywhere from four to fifteen times a year depending on your investment.

Next, create a phonebook in Outlook and enter all of your borrowers there. Then whenever you have a message you wish to communicate to all of your customers, the opportunity is free and easy. Inevitable, some will get bounced back to you, which is then a great opportunity to call your customer.

This also brings to light another great opportunity to ask for referrals by including such a statement in your email signature. again, free and easy!

All of this media type contact is great and consistent; however, technology can never replace our number one means of communication; an actual conversation, One way of doing this by making calls to your customers on the anniversary of their closing. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness, plus you have an excellent reason to call and check up on them!


Your next great opportunity to create "Marketeers" occurs at the closing. First and foremost, attend your closings whenever possible. This is yet another opportunity to bond with the borrowers as well as the others involved in the transaction at a moment when they are all usually feeling fantastic.

However, showing up to the closing empty handed is missing out on yet another opportunity to shine. So bring a housewarming gift of some kind to distinguish yourself. For this step, keep in mind that very few housewarming gifts are better than the Media Center's return address stamp. it is thoughtful, helpful, easy, inexpensive and has a great shelf life!


Many Loan Officers have a difficult time asking for referrals when the time is right, A few Loan Officers ask too often, but most don't ask at all. Fear of rejection, appearing too pushy or just plain lack of assertiveness get in our way.

The best time to ask for referrals is right after the loan application. You may suck at asking for referrals but there is no excuse for not asking at this optimal moment!

First you have just bonded with your applicants toward a common goal, plus they like you, and you are a very important person to them for the next month, Also, they will be high on life at that moment due to their new home and the feeling that may have just struck them two minutes ago when you told them everything would work out fine since they may have been nervous about their ability to qualify.

Best of all what do you think they will be talking about to all of their friends and family for the next month? And when will you ever be more important and more popular with them?

This is step one in creating "Marketeers" (customers for life who will promote your business for you if you do it right.