Cell phones definitely increase the rate of automobile accidents but they are hardly the number one culprit.
The primary cause of accidents is not drunk driving, excessive speed, weather or vehicle malfunctions. The number one cause of accidents is drive inattention. Something we are all guilty of at times!
The distraction category is broken down by type and cell phones rank fifth just ahead of smoking and behind eating and drinking, talking with passengers, adjusting the stereo or heat system controls and the number one driver distraction is something going on outside the vehicle. Further, the number one cause of fatalities is not wearing a seat belt.
So please, for your sake and that of others, buckle up and pay attention behind the wheel. Most every one of us has known someone who passed away as the result of a car accident and some of us knew several. My heart is heavy now as I write this thinking of them. Ending a life by car accident is so very sad and usually so very avoidable.