Twists of Fate

As you may know, the head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten that fateful morning.

Another person is alive today because it was his turn to bring donuts.

Several people were late that day because their alarm clock didn't go off or they got stuck in traffic behind an accident. One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.

Several others were held up by last second phone calls, not getting a taxi soon enough or missing their subway train. And countless football fans showed up late that day because their New York Giants played until after midnight against the Denver Broncos on Monday Night Football.

Or there was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, and developed a blister on his foot.  He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.

That is why he is alive today.

So the next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you can’t find the car keys, get stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone or any of the other little things that sometimes annoy and delay you, please know that you are exactly where God wants you to be at that very moment and relish in your good fortune!

Argument Therapy


Anyone who doesn’t think there are two sides to an argument is probably in one.
— Benjamin Franklin

Arguments…they are unfortunate facts of life for most people, (especially for those involved in matrimony) but they can and should be kept to a minimum. Most of us don’t enjoy arguing and the reason is simple.  Nobody wins because arguments only serve to confirm people in their own opinions and create resentment. Check out what Dale Carnegie had to say about arguments in his best-selling book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”…

Why prove to a person that he is wrong?  Is that going to make him like you?  Why not let him save face?  He didn't ask for your opinion.  He didn't want it.  Why argue with him?  You can't win an argument, because if you lose, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.  Why?  You will feel fine.  But what about him?  You have made him feel inferior, you hurt his pride, insult his intelligence, his judgment, and his self-respect, and he'll resent your triumph.  That will make him strike back, but it will never make him want to change his mind.  "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

Tomorrow… how to avoid arguments.


No one can deny that behind every argument lies someone’s ignorance.   This is why the only way to make sure you get the best of an argument is to avoid it. Arguing rarely changes anyone’s mind, but it almost always succeeds in hurting feelings.  Kind of like using the back of a spoon to eat cereal, it’s gets you nowhere, makes a mess and there is a much better way. So, the next time you want to avoid an argument try silence.  It is truly the hardest argument to refute. And whatever you do, don’t ever argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

Sisyphus's Boulder

It Could Work!!!

Do you have a problem to solve? 

Hopefully you said “yes” because in our business we are problem solvers and we should be solving all the problems we possibly can.  But what do we do about the problems and issues that can’t be resolved? 

The ones that have no solution because there isn’t enough to work with or those that are just impossible due to the time and space continuum that puts limits on all of our realities and movements?

The answer is simple…..move on!!!

Some problems simply cannot be solved and the ability to recognize them as such will serve you well both personally and professionally. 

For instance, do you want (and need) to spend more time at work and at home?  Most people do.  But that problem is as unsolvable as a buyer who wants to buy a rental property with no money down and 550 credit score or a seller with negative equity who has to get enough out of their current home for a down payment on their next home.

Boulder Bolder

-Working on a Real Estate deal that has no chance of closing.

-Trying to “fix” a person that refuses to help themselves.

-Wishing that you could be two places at once.

The above issues are all ones we would love to be able to resolve but there simply is no resolution.

The issues that you spend your time and energy on should be both important and improvable; otherwise you are just wasting precious time.

Consider the mythological story of Sisyphus, a very naughty figure who was punished for all of his misconduct by being doomed to the endless task of pushing a boulder up a hill.  Just before he got to the top, he would inevitably lose hold and the boulder would roll back to the bottom of the hill.  Then he would do it all over again and again and again.  It was just a torturous death sentence. 

His story is that of an image personifying vain labor and demonstrating that we should all avoid wasting time or even dwelling on un-winnable issues.

So why approach our issues as if they were Sisyphus’s boulder?  The “boulders” are our own creations and the unmovable ones will disappear if we just stop pushing.

This is all summed up in what is now known as the serenity prayer…

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Two Ears One Mouth

One of my favorite old sayings is this…

You have two ears and one mouth. Use them in proportion.

Think about how this applies to you in your daily dealings with everyone around you.

The best salespeople are, above all, good listeners.

Listening has been proven time and time again to increase sales, improve relationships of all kinds and to minimize anger.

We all know people who don’t listen and most of them don’t listen because they are too busy talking.  Unfortunately for them, it almost always shows in their sales, their relationships and dealing with the anger of others.

Yes, it is true.  James 1:19 says “my dear brothers take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”


For more on this subject click this link to a great article.


Ben Franklin Decision Making

When each is thus considered separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think I judge better and less likely to make a rash step.
— Benjamin Franklin

We all wrestle with difficult decisions in our lives but did you know one of the most famous men in our country’s history laid the groundwork for effective decision making in the 18th century?

In a letter to Joseph Priestly (the English scientist who discovered oxygen), Benjamin Franklin commented about complex decision that Priestly was faced with.

Franklin wrote that “the problem of deciding inexplicable situations is that all reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time.”  As a result our minds are temporarily swayed back and forth depending on which aspect of the decision seems to be most important at the time.

To solve this little conundrum of human nature, Franklin would divide a sheet of paper into two columns “pro” and “con”.  Then over the next several days he would write in each column the positives and the negatives of the decision as they occurred to him in order to more carefully evaluate the decision.

The best part of Franklin’s system is that it works because our minds can act like pendulums when faced with complex decisions!

Communication Tips


1. Unless what you say benefits the other person… don’t say it.


2. If you attack another person’s beliefs, you are making an enemy.


3. Listening without prejudice or distraction shows the greatest respect.


4. When you speak always try to ask a question.


5. Operating solely out of self interest will show and you will be tuned out.


6. And most importantly, remember that honor is a gift you give yourself.  It will serve as a subconscious magnet for others that is far more impactful than anything you can possibly say.   

Success Defined

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.
— Earl Nightingale

Many people view success in the visual and material world because this is what society has embraced as success.  The tangible comparisons are inevitable among all of us.  We tend to size up our own “success” with regard what others have or have not versus our own have or have nots.

We look at the person with a large home, luxury car, fine clothing and jewelry and most people would say that that person is “successful”.  They have all of the outward appearances of success anyway.  But how did they get that way? 

Unless they inherited it or won the Powerball, (in which case they will blow it all anyway), those who are financially successful got there via progressive realization of a worthy ideal.  It is their success in their progressive realization of a worthy ideal which then led them to a life of wealth and privilege not the other way around.    

However, success does not always come with a large bank account. For some it may be running a marathon, climbing Mt. Everest or simply climbing a flight of stairs.  People pursue lifestyles and for those who pursue something truly worthy, nothing gets in their way.

A fine example of this is raising a child.  Most couples who have their first child are no more equipped for the task than they are to fly a 747.  Despite the fact they lack training and experience; new parents will almost always rise to the task.  For most responsible parents, the worthy goal of supporting and caring for another life is not considered a goal at all.  It is considered mandatory. 

“Mandatory” is quite a stiff word but “mandatory” is what happens when goals become musts and when goals become musts, the goal has been scored! 

Regardless of where you are or what the cars and houses look like, successful people are all around.  The schoolteacher who has invested decades into making a difference, the nurse who enjoys helping those in need, the homemaker who takes pride in their daily endeavors. 

Successful people enjoy their chosen lifestyle.

Success does not mean a large bank account for everyone because anyone who truly enjoys their chosen lifestyle is successful.   But, for those who desire a large bank account and the lifestyle that goes along with it, success will rarely beat down the door of a person who dislikes what they do.

Another fine example of this is once again, raising a child.  Parents will regularly make mistakes and second guess themselves, yet all of those setbacks will not initially affect their ultimate goal of giving society a healthy, educated, responsible, ethical young adult. 

The child may have other ideas though, which become more of a hindrance to the goal as they grow older.  This is the point where the parents are tested repeatedly and some take on every challenge in order to see their children eventually prosper while others give up and lose interest. 

Those who lose interest usually do so because they no longer enjoy pursuing their goal of raising the child like they once did.  In many cases the child has become so unpleasant compared to the little bundle of joy they brought home from the hospital that the initial worthy ideal of raising the child is deemed so old that it is lost.

When we want something badly enough, we all have the ability to achieve it as long as the desired result is achievable.  For example, I would love to play in the NBA or PGA tour but my lack of height, youth and talent make such a goal entirely unrealistic.

When people act as if it were impossible to fail, when failure is not an option, when we make consistent progress towards our desired results, success is all but inevitable. If the requirements of any task are compulsatory, we humans tend to find a way to make it happen as long your mind believes that it must happen.  

So decide what is important to you, and progressively realize that ideal.  Fortunately (or unfortunately) for the human spirit, most of our endeavors are far easier than that of raising children!

Let It Go!

Let it Go!

We all want to move forward in life, however, many times in our efforts to do so are like we have one foot on the gas and one on the brake.

But in order to be truly free, we must learn how to let go.

Release the hurt.

Release the fear.

And most importantly…. release the past by refusing to entertain your old pain.

Most of us don’t even realize where our “bad seeds” of thought come from.  Besides the obvious culprits of failed relationships and failed business ventures, those “seeds” can be from a book, a movie, co-worker or even a well-meaning friend or relative.  It can be the result of bad philosophy, bad theology, bad parenting or just plain bad advice.

The important thing to understand is that the energy it takes to hang onto the past can hold you back from a wonderful new life. So why not just let it go? 

What is it that you would let go of today? 

Whatever it is, let it go right now and have a fantastic day.  And then let some more go tomorrow!

Special bonus today for all of you who enjoy their rock and roll… While Googling for images of “let it go”, I found this old video (link below) of the classic song Let it Go by English rockers Def Leppard.

This is an old school music video from the early 80’s…poorly dubbed footage of the band performing the song while the studio version of the song plays but it is entertaining anyway if you enjoy this kind of music. 

Also, this was filmed back when the drummer still had both of his arms.  That drummer, Rick Allen, lost his left arm in a car accident a few years later and continues to play in the band to this day.  His story is one of the most inspiring you will ever hear and despite being possibly the world’s only one armed drummer, he let it go!!!

Timeless Wisdom

Seneca (5BC-65AD) - Was a Roman dramatist, philosopher, humorist and politician.  He also would have made an excellent sales trainer!  Here’s a look at some of the man’s famous quotes that still relate to our livelihoods 2000 years later.

Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.
— Seneca (5BC-65AD)

It has been said that adversity is a business and emotional physical fitness program.  Make no mistake, we all dread adversity, but it may be the best learning tool of them all for people in sales.  Those of us with extensive experience can tell you without hesitation that most of the best lessons they have obtained over the years arose out of difficulty.

So next time the “adversity bug” bites you, embrace the opportunity as an opportunity for short-term pain and long-term gain!


If a man does not know to what port he is steering, no wind is favorable to him.
— Seneca (5BC-65AD)

We all know the driving route to our offices, but many times that is where our clear sense of destination ends.  Once inside the office, many salespeople simply throw themselves into the “favorable winds” of their business.  Those who do so with a business plan and clearly defined goals can ride almost any wind to their favor.

Those who lack plans and goals are throwing themselves into unfavorable winds that are more like a tornado.  Spinning, twisting and rambling in an unpredictable direction with little left behind but destruction and chaos. 

Like a plane without a flight plan or a ship without a rudder.  A business of any kind without planning and goal setting is aimless and destined to miss its intended destination.


It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence.
— Seneca (5BC-65AD)

In other words, sometimes it is far better to just be quiet and listen.  

We are born with two ears and one mouth and we all should be using them in proportion.  Silence can be one of your best tools if used properly and really, actively listening to your customers and colleagues is a skill that we can all improve upon!


The best ideas are common property.
— Seneca (5BC-65AD)

Everything that is truly important in life came to us free of charge...your mind, your body, your family, your friends, your soul, your character, your thoughts.  Sometimes we human beings have a tendency to place way too little value on those things in life that are free, despite the fact that they are the most important facets of our lives.

This partially explains why we only use about 10% of our brains.  Our minds are where everything important in our lives starts and ends, yet often we place more value upon that which we have to pay for.  Things that we pay money for like personal possessions tend to have a certain price tag and value attached, but the really important things in life are truly priceless!

Like the old saying goes, “if money can fix it, it’s not a problem.”

Mistake Resolution



That much we know, but how we handle those situations where mistakes are made can be sincere and productive or it can be just another mistake that makes things far worse. To avoid the “double mistake” of alienating the mistaken party try the following…

First, please remember that anger over the mistake will only make the matters worse.   You may be annoyed, disappointed or even downright mad, but you have to let it go because your anger over the situation will immediately erode your credibility and put others on the defensive. A very enlightened friend of mine has this tag line at the bottom of his emails which serves as a great reminder for all…

“Let nothing be an inconvenience to you, not even the smallest thing.  It is in this that true life begins."

Do yourself a favor and read that statement over as many times and for as many days as you need to let it soak in to your attitude.  Post it everywhere you go if necessary.  Because when we look back upon our “inconveniences”, none of them really matter in the grand scheme of things anyway. 

More on this subject tomorrow…


When someone else makes a mistake that impacts you, try beginning with praise and honest appreciation for all the good things they do.  This will be much better received than just jumping into complaints and insults about a mistake that shouldn’t overshadow all the prior positives. Then call attention to people's mistakes indirectly.  Do it by talking about your own mistakes before even mentioning the mistakes of the other person. Also, be sure to try to ask questions instead of giving direct orders.  This technique will not only make the fault easier to correct, but it will also make the other person happy about doing what you suggest. 

For example, which sounds better?

“You need to call everyone back within an hour.” 


“Will you please call everyone back within an hour?”

The examples are infinite and the results are infinitely better.  And best of all, this technique will work with others in all walks of life, even (and especially) your own children, as human beings we all make mistakes and we all desire a positive resolution. 

The key is to avoid anger and approach the situation with patience and compassion otherwise we are just making another mistake!

You Are Blessed

Sometimes we ask, “how are you doing?” and get the response “not too bad”.

"Not too bad?” What does that mean?

Does it mean that you would be “too bad” if that latte had cost another twenty five cents or your sniffles got any worse? Or are you so close to being actually “too bad” that you are unable to work? “Not too bad” is truly an instance where perception is nine tenths of the law. Maybe even ten tenths.

On the other hand some people answer the same question by saying “I’m blessed”.

You don’t have to be religious to be blessed, just happy to be alive will be sufficient if your attitude is right. Whether or not you are blessed is 100% up to you because one definition of blessings is anything fortunate. Therefore, blessings are all around us. The fact that you are reading this now means your internet server is operable. And while you may not consider that to be so fortunate, consider the alternative. We have all been there and it is truly unfortunate.

So are you blessed? Absolutely! We are all blessed; it’s all in your perspective. At times you just have to look a little harder for what’s fortunate in your life. Are you blessed to have that nice pair of shoes and fancy watch you are wearing or are you blessed to have food and shelter?

Blessings are all around us…so enjoy them all! And while you are at it, please enjoy the words to a great song along these lines…

Live every moment - love every day
Cus before you know it your precious time slips away.
Live every moment - love every day
’Cause if you don’t you might just throw your love away.
I walked for seven miles this mornin’. Footprints in the sand.
Washed away without a warning when the water hit the land.
But I will walk on ‘til I can no longer stand.
I’ll take you by the hand and we’ll...
Live every moment - love every day
’Cus before you know it your precious time slips away.
There’s water in the wind tonight.
There’s a chill in the air.
It’s coolin’ down my skin tonight
Soakin’ through your hair.
There’s warmth enough within’ tonight
for both of us to share.
We can take it anywhere. And we’ll...
Live every moment - love every day
’Cus before you know it your precious time slips away.
Sometimes I wish we could take a trip far away.
Leave all this trouble and heartache and pain for another day.
I will search for that place but ‘til I find it all I can say is...
Live every moment - and love every day.
— Live Every Moment - REO Speedwagon

Tact from the Ground Up

Disagreements will occur in most any relationship of substance be it personal or professional. What great partnership has not had its share of conflict?

Those disagreements and how they are resolved will continually establish the boundaries and substance of the relationship. In order to achieve resolution in such disagreements we can do one of three things.

We can do nothing, the old silent treatment, which usually results in little or no progress and potential resentment on at least one side.

Or, we can choose to argue and we all know how productive that is.

Better yet, we can choose what’s behind door number three.A simple word but a difficult discipline...tact.

Tact will resolve most differences and avoid those dreaded arguments almost every time.  Some people are born with a certain amount of tact but most of us had to learn tact literally from the ground up because our first experience with tactlessness on the playground usually resulted in being knocked to the ground. From that point on, we learn.  Now…..we learn more!

Tact-is defined in the Encarta Dictionary as... skill in situations in which the other people’s feeling have to be considered.

It has been said that tact is “the ability to make a point without making an enemy.” In the words of Abraham Lincoln…”Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.”

Tact requires full understanding and application of the golden rule plus one.  Treating others as you would yourself is great but tact also requires a subtle ability to treat them as they want to be treated, not necessarily how you like being treated.   And yes, there is a big difference!

Probably the fastest means of developing and improving upon your tact starts with respect.  Respecting others, their opinions and their idiosyncrasies will instantly make a person more tactful and improve their relationships.  The other element of tact is embedded in one of the oldest adages of all time.  

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all!  

Or in the less tactful words of poet Oliver Herford…”tact is the ability to lie about others as you would have them lie about you.” 

And while we all know that lying is wrong, the tactful ability to sometimes avoid saying everything that is on your mind is a “relationship lubricant” like no other!

Past Client Marketing for Fun & Profit


Since our past clients and the people we know best, (otherwise known as our spheres of influence) will refer us the majority of our business for the rest of our careers, it makes all the sense in the world to stay in touch with them properly.

But no matter how wonderful your postcard, newsletter or email marketing may be, they cannot speak to people for you any better than they already do because there is simply no substitute for person to person contact and that part is up to you.

The importance of your sphere of influence on your business is obvious, what is less obvious is that you have several different spheres to consider.  People’s degree of influence depends entirely upon how close you are to them and naturally what kind of an impression you make.  It is for that reason that we need to concentrate our efforts on those closest to us first.

Which is why the following exercise is so effective…

We all have different spheres and for most of us it looks something like this…close friends, other friends, business friends, and acquaintances.  Our total number of friends and acquaintances are all different but it is safe to say that we all have at least 100.  So spend some time soon making your top 100 list and try to do it in order of the person’s closeness to you.  As you look at your list it will be obvious where to draw the lines of one sphere to the next.  And it will also be very apparent who you need to be in touch the most frequently.  

After you have completed your list make it a point to stay in touch with those people weekly, monthly or annually depending upon which sphere in which they reside or maybe more importantly, where you would like them to reside.


Our business is all about relationships and helping others. 

In order to build those relationships and help more people it is imperative that we take the lead by being proactive and simply calling our past clients and spheres.  Making contact with your customers and others who can refer you business is still and always will be the number one way to generate more business. The fact is that there isn’t enough money on the planet to advertise better than a person to person conversation! 


So make it a point to block at least two hours this week to do nothing but call your past clients and spheres.  You have much to offer because you know things that they care about and don’t know.  Since you do, that long lost past client that you call will almost certainly be happy to hear from you, so just get over the call reluctance now because its not applicable. 

Setting aside the uninterrupted time to do this is 99% of the battle.  Because once you realize how enjoyable and profitable our most important task is, you won’t ever look back!

One way to force yourself into this incredibly effective discipline is a simple reward system.  For example, maybe you have wanted a certain pair of shoes for a long time but for whatever reason, you haven’t made the decision to buy them yet.  Reward yourself with those shoes once you complete your invaluable two hours and if you keep it up you will have more than enough money for a warehouse full of shoes!