That much we know, but how we handle those situations where mistakes are made can be sincere and productive or it can be just another mistake that makes things far worse. To avoid the “double mistake” of alienating the mistaken party try the following…
First, please remember that anger over the mistake will only make the matters worse. You may be annoyed, disappointed or even downright mad, but you have to let it go because your anger over the situation will immediately erode your credibility and put others on the defensive. A very enlightened friend of mine has this tag line at the bottom of his emails which serves as a great reminder for all…
“Let nothing be an inconvenience to you, not even the smallest thing. It is in this that true life begins."
Do yourself a favor and read that statement over as many times and for as many days as you need to let it soak in to your attitude. Post it everywhere you go if necessary. Because when we look back upon our “inconveniences”, none of them really matter in the grand scheme of things anyway.
More on this subject tomorrow…
When someone else makes a mistake that impacts you, try beginning with praise and honest appreciation for all the good things they do. This will be much better received than just jumping into complaints and insults about a mistake that shouldn’t overshadow all the prior positives. Then call attention to people's mistakes indirectly. Do it by talking about your own mistakes before even mentioning the mistakes of the other person. Also, be sure to try to ask questions instead of giving direct orders. This technique will not only make the fault easier to correct, but it will also make the other person happy about doing what you suggest.
For example, which sounds better?
“You need to call everyone back within an hour.”
“Will you please call everyone back within an hour?”
The examples are infinite and the results are infinitely better. And best of all, this technique will work with others in all walks of life, even (and especially) your own children, as human beings we all make mistakes and we all desire a positive resolution.
The key is to avoid anger and approach the situation with patience and compassion otherwise we are just making another mistake!