Many times when a sale is lost, one needs look no further than the difference between coercion and persuasion.
The best salespeople are especially good persuaders rather than coercers. Coercion is getting someone to do what you want them to do and it is usually associated with some type of force being applied to enact the coercion. Persuasion is getting people to want to do what you want them to do. The difference is like night and day, black and white, or in our case a closed loan or a loan lost.
The difference is all about human emotions and whether or not you tap into that person's sense of imagination to make them see, feel, and want what you have to offer. Persuasion is one of the best life skills for any person and certainly for salespeople. And just like sales people, persuaders are not born that way, they learn and so can you for the next few days!