"USP"or unique selling proposition is a must for successful selling whenever there is a huge amount of competition. The USP is what you can and will do differently than your competition in order to attract the prospect to you for their benefit.
Remember these prospects will have the "WIFM" (What's in it for me?) attitude which is why a USP will set you apart. It is your USP that will get you in the door for that first appointment and it your USP (and charm) that will get you the second appointment.
Your USP could be a niche that you work well in such as government or hard to place loans. It could be a system you have of generating referrals than can be given to your referral partners. It could also be any number of services provided to the Realtor by the Media Center or anything else you can offer that your competition can not.
So figure out what your USP is and spread the word!