Our last few articles discussed dealing with new referral sources which is essential to the growth of your business. However, there is one sure fire way to generate more referrals now rather than waiting the months or years it may take to get business from a top agent. CALL YOUR PREVIOUS CUSTOMERS!!!
Here again the old 80/20 rule is in play. You will get 80% of your referrals from 20% of your customers. This is why staying in touch personally is so very important with your key referral sources and your past clients who were happy with your services and/or have referred business to you in the past.
Studies show that when you send out mail to past clients you can expect a 3-5% response rate. Hopefully that number is better for us thanks to the Media Center, but in any case it is not far off. The same study showed that making a personal phone call to the same people who received the mailing will increase your response rate by four or five times.
I know this to be true from my past experiences and you probably do too!