As we have discussed in this space many times before, integrity and honesty are essential to long term success in any endeavor. (Plus the lack of hem will get you in big trouble eventually.)

The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.
When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Dishonesty can ruin a person faster than anything else. There is true freedom in the truth!


The ability to give a gentle answer in the face of an angry confrontation is a sign of deep character. Patience recognizes that a violent temper makes matters worse. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."

"A quick tempered man does foolish things and a crafty man is hated."

"He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."

Feelings are healthy and telling others how we feel is appropriate. How you do that however, should be with more patience and less anger consistent with the wisdom described in Proverbs. 


Of course it can, but more importantly it can enhance your life and the life of others if used properly. The tongue when used well, can also feed others with compliments and encouragement that can brighten someone's outlook or even motivate them to pursue a dream. Consider these pieces of Proverb's wisdom..

"The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin." "He who holds his tongue is wise." "A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor but a man of understanding holds his tongue." "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." "Wise men store up knowledge, but the mouth of a fool invites ruin."


One of the first and still most effective "business/self help" books out there is found in the three thousand year old book of Proverbs which we will explore this week.

There is no definitive formula or shortcut to success. However, self discipline is certainly a character trait of all successful people. Consider the ant referenced below as a classic example of self discipline without the need for any outside pressure.

"Go to the ant you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers it food at harvest."

The writer suggest there is wisdom in hard work motivated by a spirit of foresight and diligence. By avoiding procrastination and by doing what we should we discover a great deal of freedom from fear of the future and less worries about scarcity and needs.

"Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth."


Your smile signals approachability, happiness and confidence. Professional models have trick to get themselves "in the mood" and smile.

One method is to put your face about ten inches in front of a mirror. Look at yourself directly in the eye and say the word "great" in as many different ways as you can. Happy, angry, excited, loud, soft, high pitched, low pitched, like Michael Jackson or Mike Tyson, or whatever celebrity voice that tickles your funny bone. 

Keep going. Eventually you will crack up. Repeat the exercise once a day for three days and the next time you meet someone say "great" under your breath a few times and you will be smiling!


Yesterday we discussed eye contact but the eyes are not the only social cue we have to offer. The quickest way to put your best face forward is with a smile.

Smile and the world smiles with you!

Smile and you are saying "I'm approachable, happy and confident."

If you smile at another person chances are they will smile back. In much the same way as if someone tells you "good morning" there is a strong chance you will respond in kind. This is a function of our natural predisposition to synchronize and reciprocate behavior. It is called limbic synchrony and it is hardwired into the human brain. 


Recently we discussed the importance of standing when you record your daily voicemail greeting because your voice will sound better and you will sound more confident. Plus, many of us can "think on our feet" better than we can "think on our butt."

For those very same reasons, standing up while you are on a phone call can be a very good idea,

This is not to say that we should all have the chairs removed from our offices. However, when you are on a very important call and/or need to present your very best impression with the person on the other end of the line, standing can be the ticket!


Voicemail greetings are one of the our best front line selling tools if done correctly and yet so easy to do well or easy to mess up.

First of all, stand while you record your daily message, Your voice will sound smoother and more confident. Secondly, smile while you record your daily voicemail greeting. Your enthusiasm will be reflected in your voice and will consciously and subconsciously impress your customers.

Lastly, avoid saying things that are instant turn offs such as "call you back at my earliest convenience or let me know what I can do for you." Such phrases send the wrong message despite your true intentions.

Sound excited and happy to be there. Your customers and colleagues will feel your excitement, or lack thereof!


Many of us change our voicemail greetings on a daily basis which is a good thing!

Your voicemail greeting can be a powerful marketing and operational tool. First of all you can communicate to your customers when you will be available on that day and help them set reasonable expectations about when they will hear back from you. (Remember to never over promise?)

The daily greeting also allows you to communicate about market information, holidays, vacations, instructions, etc.

This is also a kind and respectful thing for your coworkers in other offices so that they don't leave you important messages only to find out later that you were in Mexico for the week! Tomorrow we will explore some "do's" and "don'ts" about effective voicemail greetings. 


Andy Andrews' seventh and final decision for success is to persist without exception.

I know the outcome I desire. I hold fast to my dreams. I stay the course. I do not quit. I will continue despite exhaustion.

Average people compare themselves with other people. That is why they are average. I am not "most people". I compare myself to my potential. I am not average. I see exhaustion as a precursor to victory,

Too much of my life has been spent doubting my beliefs and believing my doubts. No more! I have faith in my future. I do not look left or right, I look forward. I can only persist. 

I focus on my results. I am a person of great faith, I will persist without exception. 


Andy Andrew's sixth devision for success is to greet the day with a forgiving spirit.

I now understand forgiveness has value only when given away. By the simple act of granting forgiveness, I release the demons of the past about which I can do nothing, and I create in myself a new heart, a new beginning. 

I will greet this day with a forgiving spirit. I will forgive even those who do not ask for forgiveness. Many times I have seethed in anger over a word or deed thrown into my life by an unthinking or uncaring person. Now I see the truth revealed about this psychological stone in my shoe. The anger I nurture is often one-sided for my offender seldom gives thought to his offense.

By the simple act of forgiving, I am no longer consumed by the unproductive and destructive thoughts. I am content in my soul and effective again with my fellow man.

I will forgive myself. By forgiving myself, I erase the doubts, fears and frustration that have kept my past in the present. I have forgiven myself. My life has just begun. 


Andy Andrews' fifth decision for success is today I will choose to be happy.

Happiness is a choice. Happiness is the end result of certain thoughts and activities, which actually bring about a chemical reaction in my body.

Today I will choose to be happy. I will greet each day with laughter. Within moments or awakening I will laugh for seven seconds. Even after such a short period of time, excitement has begun to flow through my bloodstream. I feel enthusiastic about the day and alert to its possibilities.

I laugh throughout the day. I laugh while I am alone and in conversation with others. The world belongs to the enthusiastic, for people will follow them anywhere!

My smile is the most potent weapon I possess. I will smile at everyone I meet. I will always smile first. That particular display of a good attitude will tell others what I expect in return, When I choose to smile I become the master of my own emotions.

Discouragement, despair, frustration and fear will always wither when confronted by my smile. The power of who I am is on display when I smile!


Andy Andrews' fourth devision for success is to have a decided heart.

The power to control direction belongs to me. Today I will begin to exercise that power. My course has been charted, my destiny assured.

I have a decided heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future. I will awaken every morning with an excitement about the new day and its opportunity for my growth and change.

I will lay my head upon the pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything in my power to move the mountains in my path. I have a great dream and I will never apologize for it. A person without a dream never had a dream come true,

I have a decided heart. I will not wait. 


Andy Andrews' third decision for success is to be a person of action.

I will create a new future by creating a new me. I can do nothing about the past. My future is immediate. When I am faced with the choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act! I seize this moment. I chose now.

I will walk with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Wealth and prosperity hide from the sluggard, but rich rewards come to the person who moves quickly.

Leading is doing. To lead, I must move forward. my activity will create a wave of success for the people who follow. It is true: an army of lions led by a sheep!

I am a person of action. I can make a decision and I can make it now. Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. My decisions come quickly and they lead to my victory.

Fear no longer has a place in my life. I do not fear failure, for in my life, failure is a myth. Failure exists only for the person who quits and I do not quit. 


Andy Andrews' second decision for success is to seek wisdom. 

Knowing that wisdom waits to be gathered, I will actively search her out.

I will seek wisdom. I will choose my friends with care, I will listen to the counsel of wise men. When I counsel with only myself, I can make decisions only according to what I already know. By counseling with wise people, I add their knowledge and experience to my own and dramatically increase my success.

I will be a servant to others for that particular attribute attracts people like no other. As I humbly sever others their wisdom will be freely shared with me. He, who serves the most, grows the fastest. 


Andy Andrews' first decision for success is "the bucks stops here."

From this moment forward I will accept responsibility for my past. Never again will I blame my parents, my spouse, boss or other people for my present situation. Neither my genetics, education or the circumstantial ebb and flow of everyday life will affect my future in a negative way. 

I will look forward and not let my history control my destiny.

The buck stops here. I control my thoughts and emotions. I accept responsibility for my past and I am responsible for my success.

I am where I am today because of devisions I have made. My decisions have always been governed by my thinking therefore to change where I am today I will change the way I think. My thoughts will be constructive, never destructive. I will not dwell on problems of the past.

My life will not be an apology, it will be a statement. Challenges are gifts, opportunities to learn. Adversity is preparation for greatness.

I will be prepared for something great!


Yesterday we discussed the efficiency of working from a daily task list. Another great benefit of the "master list" is the ability to help you multitask. by having a separate section of "to do items" that don't take very long, you will have created a list of things that can quite often be done while you are sitting on hold, downloading the latest Marketer Pro release or waiting on your computer.

One of the keys to any good list is having your own special code or system that breaks tasks down by priority and duration. That way whenever you glance at your list you will know what to accomplish next, which is far better than trying to figure out which sticky note you should look at next!


Property tazes are used to pay for all public services including police, schools, libraries, fire protection and other city services.

Residential assessments are determined by the sales of similar homes within the community that are sold within a specific 18 month period. Property is usually re-appraised for tax purposes every odd numbered year.

Property assessment percentages are determined by the state legislature.

The mill levy is determined each year by the various taxing authorities including your city council, school districts, water, sanitation and any special districts in which the property is located. All of the mill levies are then combined into one overall mill levy.

Here is an example...

$250,000 actual value x .08 assessment X .098765 mill levy= $1,975.30 annual property taxes.

P.S.- If you are ever pulled over by the police, it is never advisable to mention the fact that your money pays the property taxes that pay them. They have all heard it before and they don't like it!