Property tazes are used to pay for all public services including police, schools, libraries, fire protection and other city services.
Residential assessments are determined by the sales of similar homes within the community that are sold within a specific 18 month period. Property is usually re-appraised for tax purposes every odd numbered year.
Property assessment percentages are determined by the state legislature.
The mill levy is determined each year by the various taxing authorities including your city council, school districts, water, sanitation and any special districts in which the property is located. All of the mill levies are then combined into one overall mill levy.
Here is an example...
$250,000 actual value x .08 assessment X .098765 mill levy= $1,975.30 annual property taxes.
P.S.- If you are ever pulled over by the police, it is never advisable to mention the fact that your money pays the property taxes that pay them. They have all heard it before and they don't like it!