When you walk into a room do you make it darker or brighter? If you said "brighter" skip the next sentence and move onto question #2.

Try smiling next time you enter the room.

When you enter another place of business, do you sometimes feel as if the people there are somewhat unfriendly? If you said "no" then skip the next sentence and move on to question #3.

Try smiling next time you enter another place of business.

When you first see your spouse or significant other after a long day do they smile at you? If you answered "yes" then skip the next sentence.

Try smiling next time you see the one you love.

Regardless of your age or dental history, your smile is your greatest asset in love, friendship and business. The intrinsic value of smiling more often is maybe even more important than the smile itself because of the positive vibes, which help form an upbeat attitude.

Let's face it, we all like people who smile and display a positive attitude more than those who don't.

Which do you want to be?