Expecting smiles before you give one up yourself is an expectation that will set you up for disappointment more often than not because of the universal laws of give and take. And while it happens occasionally, we cannot ever expect to take before we give or we will be disappointed regularly.
A relationship is no different, though far more complex than a simple smile.
Most successful relationships start with a smile but the most important rule of relationships is that it must be good for both parties or there will not be much of a relationship.
Friends are friends because they both get something beneficial from the relationship. If not, it fades away very quickly.
The same rules apply to business relationships as well. Therefore you must have something to offer. You must take the lead and give first. Expecting gifts from those to whom you have never given to is crazy.
And expecting relationships from those to whom you give nothing is beyond unrealistic.
So be sure to ask for the business but first be a giver. It's the only way to thrive!