Acknowledging the referrals and good deeds of your customers is one of the keys to obtaining the next referral from them. Be gracious and let them know how much you appreciate their referrals and how important they and their referrals are to your business.
You may think they already know that and they probably do. However, a simple, handwritten thank you note will properly convey your appreciation and blow most people away since these days less and less business people, in any profession, will acknowledge referrals or acts of kindness with something handwritten and personalized.
Which is a big "e-mistake".
Also, please remember to make it your practice to thank people for referrals immediately after you are contacted rather than waiting until the closing.
Remember that just because a transaction did not close doesn't mean it wasn't a referral. Your customer tried and they did their part. Just because something happened that caused the transaction to not happen of the borrower to go elsewhere is no reason to withhold your thanks!