In order to fix incorrect credit information, a consumer has three choices...
The first and quickest choice is to deal with the creditor directly and rely on the them to update the credit information to all three bureaus, which sounds simple enough and it would be, in a perfect world.
However, like so many "quick fixes" this method works only sometimes. Unfortunately many creditors themselves are inconsistent and downright incompetent in correcting information with the credit bureaus. instances of customer service reps placating consumers and then failing to follow with the effort required to deal with the credit bureaus are as common as needles on a porcupine.
To make matters worse, to the consumer is in the dark as to whether or not the creditor has followed through on their promise to fix since the process can take months. We have all heard the laments of a borrower who thought a creditor had fixed an inaccuracy months or years ago only to find out that the negative information is still there.
Tomorrow... we'll look at putting the consumer back in charge.