Blame rhymes with shame and it is no coincidence.

Whenever we blame our circumstances or worse yet other people, all it does is keep us from facing our own worst enemy and best friend... ourselves.

The first step in any type of recovery is to be willing to admit that you have a problem and to accept responsibility for it. The first step must happen before any sort of cure can occur. Too often people fall into the trap of looking to blame other conditions or other people, when accepting responsibility themselves is the only real way out.

Accepting responsibility and blame for who you are and what you have done in the past is not damaging. In fact, it will liberate you and free your mind for far better things as you move forward in life and on to bigger and better things. This is often a difficult paradox to understand but truly an axiom of life itself.

How many relationships of a personal or business nature fail unnecessarily because someone has the attitude that if you won't agree that it is not my fault, I quit?

Regardless of how hard we may try to change others, the only person we can really change is ourselves. So no matter what happens to you today - blame someone, just make sure that someone you blame is you!