Almost anyone can become a Loan Officer, and many Processors make excellent Loan Officers because they have the perfect knowledge background, but taking the risk of starting up a new business on commission only is not for everyone.
Take an athlete for example. Some people are shocked when a ballplayer signs a contract paying them millions of dollars a year, but they make that kind of money because they play a game that millions of other people play, but at a level that only a select few individuals can achieve. And most of them have spent the majority of their life playing and training to reach such a level while foregoing other opportunities.
Originating is much the same. And while originating mortgages is easier than hitting 95 MPH fastball over the fence or slam dunking over a seven foot center, originating big numbers on a consistent basis is a kill that only a select few while achieve after years of effort and they will deservedly be well compensated for their skills.