Being all things to all people is as impossible as is being the everything lender to all borrowers. Doing what you do best and referring the rest is a time tested strategy for success in our business and your team of referral partners should include bankers and other types of niche lenders that can help your customers with the loans that you either can not or should not be doing.

Your team should also include at least one tax, investment, insurance and legal professional which is yet another great service you have to offer your customers. Everyone likes doing business by referral and your customers will love the fact that you have access to several different proven service providers that are all endorsed by you.

Plus those people on your "referral team" can be your finest sources of business as their customers will trust them and their referrals typically far more than they will trust the referral that comes from a Realtor or builder.

So build your team and you will build your business and theirs too whilst taking great care of your customers. A win-win-win situation if ever there was one!