We all lose business to price sometimes and often the best plan is to just let it go gracefully, but definitely not silently.

The most difficult of the shoppers will never fully appreciate you and what you can do for them anyway because their mindset is that they are in it for just the one transaction. This is not a long term proposition to them.

Your best bet is to call them and acknowledge their decision. Be kind, be gracious and offer your services and expertise for the next time they are in need.

And what ever you do, DO NOT disparage the competition because that always backfires. After all they just chose them over you, so why would they want to hear you criticize their devision? Do, however, offer to help them if things don't go as planned with the competitor which is a far more tactful approach to saying you made the wrong decision.

Then put them in your data base, market to them regularly and you will be amazed at how many of them will come back to you at a later date because they received sub-par service elsewhere.