Bill Tidyman is a retired FBI agent living in Arvada, CO. Since retiring from the FBI, Tidyman has started his own thriving investigation business and he only has three clients, but they are three of the country's largest mortgage insurers. Whenever there is an early default or the appearance of fraud on a mortgage insured in his area, the call goes out to Tidyman, whose job it is to reverify all of the facts of the loan application as well as to interview the borrowers. Approximately half of the cases he investigates involve no fraud or deceit on the part of anyone, but that leaves the other 50%, which more often than not involve fraudulent activity on the part of the Loan Officer and only rarely on the part of the borrowers. in fact, the number of instances where the borrowers were "coached" into the fraudulent activity by :Loan Officers is staggering. Had those Loan officers known that a former FBI investigator would be re-verifying everything on the 1003 and conducting an extensive borrower interview, chances are that even they would not be so stupid as to attempt to close the loan in the first place. in fact, some of these Loan Officers have probably operated in the fraud mode for years, but their time is up. As if we need it... further proof that conducting business with honestly and integrity is the only way to operate!