Previously we have discussed how standing up while you are on an important phone call keeps you sharp and helps your voice tone.
But standing isn't just for significant conversations.
Has something like this ever happened to you before? You show up for work a little later than you would have liked, there are several people you need to call back, your office is a mess, and you have a loan application in your office in thirty minutes. So what do you typically do? You plop down in your chair, click on the computer and wonder how you are going to get it all done.
When work is plentiful and time is short, sitting isn't usually the answer. Try standing next time. Put something like your briefcase in your chair while you stand to turn on the computer, make some phone calls and tidy up your office. By standing you will not only be more efficient but you will pursue those time strained tasks with a sense of urgency since standing is not as comfortable.