Yesterday we examined the universal law that our returns in life are equal to our service to others and that we as Loan Officers are fortunate to have several tangible ways to measure our service. As commissioned salespeople, we enjoy a system of rewards based upon our service that paints a very clear picture of our work.

That is the good and the bad. The bad is without mandatory requirements like hors, contacts, calls, etc... so many commissioned salespeople are doomed to mismanage themselves primarily because they lack a plan.

Consider the example of a cruise ship. Every time the ship leaves the harbor, it has a plan and barring a disaster the ship will arrive at it's predetermined destination every time. What if the ship had no plan? What would happen if the ship had no destination, someone just turned the engines and let it go? I think you will agree that the chances of the ship running aground at an undesired location are 100%.

Salespeople are much the same way. If they know where they are going and have a plan to get there, they will reach their destination consistently. However, without such a plan, the destination is seldom reached.

So make your plan, follow it and act as if it were impossible to fail. Pay the price by being the person and professional you want to become. It is much easier than living unsuccessfully anyway!