Alas, people do not really enjoy obtaining a mortgage on any level. Seeking, applying for and closing on a new mortgage ranks right up there with going to the dentist or renewing a driver's license for most people.
Our customers all want a good deal but they also do not want a hassle filled process or to worry about the performance of a discount or internet lender. The one thing they all cannot stand, however, is wondering whether or not they are being ripped off.
In short, nobody particularly enjoys getting a mortgage and the easier you can make it for your customers, the more loyal a fan you will have created.
In addition, everyone has questions about the mortgage and lending business from time to time and there is no substitute for most people than to be able to call on someone with 100% confidence in their ability to provide solid advice and a pleasing outcome. They need you now, but they will also need you in the future and saving them the trouble of shopping for a lender every time they have a need or even just a question is a pleasing outcome all by itself.
So please remember to sell the outcome, which for you will translate to more income!