Picture this... it has already happened to you too much.
You are in your car, you check your voicemail and there is a call from a borrower with a very important message asking you to call them ASAP. Only problem is, they do not leave their phone number. After all, you obviously have their number... somewhere. You called them first a month or two ago and you have called them several times to date.
This kind of thing we should come to expect and be prepared for from our customers, but not ourselves.
All business communications should contain your phone number period.
Even a message to your best Realtor or builder despite the fact that they should have your number committed to memory is just common business courtesy. Just because someone has your phone number does not mean they have it with him or her at all times or that they have memorized it.
So please make it your practice to leave your number every time because many people don't eve know the phone numbers of their own family anymore thanks to speed dials and cell phones!