Insecurity is something we all possess. Whether you are a brand new Processing Assistant, top producing Loan Officer, or a Key Executive.

Like almost everything else in life. Insecurity must be kept in balance. Too much is crippling, not enough is dangerous and a little is good. Kind of like Goldilocks porridge.

Those with very high levels of it are constantly in crippling fear and those with not enough of it usually don't have enough fear to perform their responsibilities to their potential.

Insecurity is another form of risk and great things never happen without risks and the insecurities that accompany them. In fact, most of our top producers possess a significant amount of insecurity, and to this day, it is what keeps them going at such a high level.

So the next time you hear the words "insecure" used to describe someone else, know that you are too and it is not necessarily a negative. Unless of course it is too hot or too cold!