Those smart folks at IBM back in the day realized that a filing systems were essential for computers since filing systems had been an essential business tool ever since the invention of paper.

Whenever we are looking for specific information on a computer, we don't just scroll through the entire content of the computer to find it. Some people might, but I don't think they work here.

Computers are broken down into files making it easy for us to access what we are looking for with a simple query of a few clicks. our minds are the same way, only far better, because the files within our brains don't get misfiled or lost. Actually they do get lost sometimes, but this is not about aging or alcohol.

The human brain is the first and still finest filing system of all time. In order to get the responses or answer we are looking for from another's mind, our querying skills are put to the test on a regular basis. So next time you say, "What's new?", please try to add at least one qualifier or "click" to access something more specific because as they said at IBM back in the day, "garbage in, garbage out."