Disagreements will occur in most any relationship of substance be it personal or professional. What great partnership has not had its share of conflict?
Those disagreements and how they are resolved will continually establish the boundaries and substance of the relationship. In order to achieve resolution in such disagreements we can do one of three things.
We can do nothing. The old silent treatment, which usually results in no progress and resentment on at least one side.
Or, we can choose to argue and we know how productive that is.
Better yet, we can choose what's behind door number three. A simple word but a difficult discipline... tact.
Tact will resolve most differences and avoid those dreaded arguments almost every time. Some people are born with a certain amount of tact but most of us had to lear tact literally from the ground up because your first experience with tactlessness on the playground usually resulted in being knocked to the ground,
From that point on, we learn. Tomorrow, we learn more!