If you are feeling stressed out these days, try eliminating coffee from your daily routine and you just may feel a whole lot better!

Many people have already stopped reading this, but for those of you who are still here consider these factoids...

According to Dr. David Posen, the author of "Always Change a Losing Game", eliminating caffeine is more effective than any other stress reduction technique. Studies show that most people who eliminate caffeine feel significantly more relaxed and they feel more energetic primarily because of better sleep. 

Caffeine is a liquid stress, simultaneously boosting adrenaline production and suppressing adenosine, a natural relaxant of the brain.

To avoid the dreaded withdrawal headaches experts say to gradually cut back one cup at a time, beginning with your last cup of the day.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad new but the good news is that it works! Try drinking water or juice in the morning and you just may enjoy your entire day a whole lot more!