Now that business has slowed down it is time to cut back on expenses such as customer entertainment, promotions, and Media Center advertising right? WRONG!!!!!!
One of the basics of business is that when times are slow... advertise!
Businesses do this all of the time. Car manufacturers are a classic example of a business that will advertise more when times are slow in order to give their business a lift.
Currently it seems like about half of the ads on the radio are for mortgage companies. (Don't some of them make you ill?) Some of these companies may be hanging on for dear life right now, but at least they realize that getting their word out is the only way they will survive since most of them are only in the refi business.
This does not mean you need to buy a radio ad, billboards all over town or a 30 second spot on American Idol. we are all small businesses run by an individual and therefore more individualized marketing is in order rather than shot gunning your message to the whole world at a tremendous cost.
What you, as an individual, need to avoid is the temptation to spend less on your business just because you are making less. That is a recipe for disaster and any top producer will tell you so. So click on the Media Center web site and decide on a few new products and services that will have the greatest impact for your business and invest in it!
Hint: the Realtor Appreciation Campaign is both reasonably price and highly effective.