As we plug away and try to generate new referral sources in this market sometimes a little encouragement is needed since relationship selling can be very taxing on the psyche.
As we have previously discussed, very few relationship sales are made before the fifth call and many of them can take years before a sale is made. Most referral sources out there already have lender relationships and are not prime candidates for a steady stream of new business to immediately come your way.
On the positive side, most long term, successful Loan Officers can trace the majority of their business to meeting with three people. Yes three! Your author himself is proof of the "3 is a magic number theory". I started in the business in 1985 and two people I met that year and one I met in 1987 have started the referral train rolling and helped open doors to enough other referral sources to last an entire career.
So never underestimate the power of one customer. It could be the customer who eventually puts your business over the top!