Why are some people miserable when they seem to have everything going for them, while others much less fortunate can maintain a positive, charismatic demeanor despite overwhelming perceived negatives in their life? If you answered "attitude" congratulations and please read on!

Our brains tend to accumulate a vast number of resentments, fears, grudges and feelings of inferiority over time. These things tend to stick in our minds if we allow them to, but what is the point? The results of hanging on to negatives from the past are predictably poor.

Some people actually seem to thrive on unhappiness but their misery usually comes from within because they either lack the ability or desire to ride themselves of these demons. Those who lack the ability are categorized in our society as mentally ill. The rest of us just need the desire because we all have the ability.

Changes in attitudes will change most anything for better or worse and the only thing keeping millions of people from their dreams is a little attitude adjustment. 

(To be continued...)