For the fisherman, the ideal situation would be a small pond with plenty of hungry fish and good weather conditions. If the experienced angler wants to keep some of the fish, they will be selective about the fish kept from the small pond, throwing many of the smaller fish back. Very much the way the experienced originator can be selective in this market.

However, on another day the conditions may not be nearly as favorable forcing the experienced to be less selective and putting the inexperienced in a position where catching anything is difficult.

The seasoned angler knows there will come a day when only he experienced will be very successful because the conditions will not be as favorable. Right now, we are all fishing in that proverbial small pond with plenty of fish and great conditions. On the other hand, as we all know, conditions can do change. When they will change is anyone's guess and harder to predict than fishing conditions.

So enjoy fishing in the small, stocked pond because some day soon there will be less fish in a much larger body of water!