Our business is all about relationships and helping others.

In order to build those relationships and help more people it is imperative that we take the lead by being proactive it is imperative that we take the lead by being proactive and simply calling our past clients and spheres. Making contact with your customers and others who can refer you business is still and always will be the number one way to generate mortgage loans. The fact is that there isn't enough money on the planet to advertise better than a person to person conversation. 

So make it a point to block at least two hours this week to do nothing but call your past clients. You have much to offer because you know things that they care about and don't know. Since you do, that long lost past client that you call will almost certainly be happy to hear from you, so just get over the call reluctance now because it's not applicable.

Setting aside the uninterrupted time do this is 99% of the battle. Because once you realize how enjoyable and profitable our most important task is, you won't ever look back!