Know the source of adversity and strength. What makes you strong and what makes you weak? Overcoming anything begins with honest knowledge of situation of self.
Unite together and lift each other up. Most problems are not meant to be taken on by only one soul. Seek the advice and support of friends and experts because two heads are always better than one, especially when adversity has clouded the judgement. And remember that no matter how bad or good you have it, someone else out there has it worse or better!
Get ready for the long haul and all of its up and downs. Sometimes life's events are like a yo-yo. Accept it, shrug it off and think long term.
Remain focused. We are all the sum total of our thoughts. Focus on what needs to be conquered. Overcoming adversity starts with visualizing the happy ending.
Remain faithful to a higher power's calling in your life. Each of us has the unique ability to leave a positive imprint upon the world, which is really about the highest aspiration anyone could have. And we can choose to do it every day or just when we "feel up to it." The decision is yours.