Today we will visit some of the great quotes from the one and only Yogi Berra.
This first one is appropriate at all times for all people because everyone needs goals and a plan….
This Yogi Berra quote is funny yet so true because watching is learning, especially when we pay close attention….
This next Yogi quote is so easy to understand when you consider that the most important parts of your job (like hitting for a baseball player) should require very little thought and second guessing because of the level of expertise already there from repetition, practice and experience. If you have practiced enough there should be no need for great mental gymnastics during those critical get the deal or lose the deal moments.
This Yogi Berra quote goes somewhat along with the phrase “often imitated, never duplicated.” This one relates to us in that everyone has to have their own style and that trying to be someone or something you are not is almost always counterproductive.
It is hard to tell if Yogi is under promising and over delivering here or the opposite. Regardless of his intentions, it is important to always communicate realistic time frames and expectations to your customers and avoid the salesperson’s tragedy of over promising.