Loan Officers who call on Realtors and Builders fit into a few categories in the eyes of their customers...

  • The feeder- brings donuts, bagels, candy etc. thinking that the quickest way to a person's hear is their stomach. While food is nice, this is a classic example of under-estimating your prospects.
  • The bleeder- walks in with their shoulders hunched over, looking at the ground and generally has something to complain about or something negative to say in every conversation.
  • The breeder- the good looking person who knows that their looks are their number one assest and if they flash a few nice smiles they may get some business from those that admire them, but it won't last long.
  • The joker- friendly with everyone and appreciated for his or her personality but rarely anyone's #1 lender.
  • The winner- the person who combines friendliness, a positive attitude and a strong desire to help others along with asking for business!

So next time you make sales calls; stand tall, smile, be positive and ask for the business!


Have you ever encountered a customer so ornery and difficult you felt like telling them to @#$% off? Or a person so grouchy you wish they had called someone else?

We all have. Many times the difficult customer ends up being a huge waste of time because we try to please them, they are never happy, and they go elsewhere or trash your name and complain non-stop.

You have two choice here...

  1. You can politely "fire" them by explaining that you do not think you can help them under the circumstances. The problem with this option is that it is quite often not an option. What if your best Realtor referred this customer? What if they know several of your friends and/or family? What if you really need this transaction to achieve your goals for the month? If so, then it is on to option #2.
  2. Kill them with kindness! The difficult customer is defenseless if you shower them with kindness, compliments and smiles. Avoid argument by maintaining a positive attitude and staying polite no matter how much you dislike the person. Many times the difficult customer can be an excellent referral source if you can keep them happy. Keep in mind that probably everyone they know knows how tough they are and they will be impressed with you before you even meet them just by knowing that you satisfied such a person!


As we start a new year, it is time to make contact with your Realtor/Builder/Financial Planner partners to find out what you can do to help them achieve their goals in 2003.

By simply making a phone call to inquire as to how you could assist them, you will score big. Ask questions such as...

  • What are your goals for this year?
  • How do you intend to accomplish those goals?
  • What are your biggest obstacles?
  • How can I as a partner help you achieve your goals?

Keep in mind that most people have the "WIFM" (what's in it for me) outlook and if you present the call as a sincere effort to assist them they will be much more receptive!


DO IT NOW! In business, few words are more important than one of the shortest complete sentences in the English language. If you want to accomplish the maximum amount possible with your time, take this short sentence to heart. Do it now!

The benefits are huge. By doing something now that you know you will have to do later anyway, you avoid wasting time thinking about it, writing it down etc.. So why procrastinate when you can do it now?!?