“What should happen when you make a mistake is this: you take your knocks, you learn your lesson, and then you move on.”
We all make mistakes. From the little ones that don't matter to the gaffes that haunt us for years. Mistakes can cost us dollars, customers and even relationships. The cost of a mistake can be great, but the reward for our mistakes can always be greater. The lessons we chose to learn from our mistakes are what molds us as a person and a professional.
So take a few moments today to reflect upon a mistake that may have cost you a professional relationship. Think about using this great lesson called a mistake to learn and grow from your error and move on.
Better yet, use this lesson to win back the relationship!
Pick up the phone, confess your wrongdoing and tell that person about the lesson you have taken from the experience. You can send all the flowers and candy you want, but nothing will do more to mend the fences than a sincere apology combined with sharing the lesson learned.