“Your returns in life and in business are in direct proportion to your service to others.”
The above statement is not just a quote it is a fact! It is true in the business world, your personal life, your hobbies and in all endeavors.
The person who treats others poorly will get the same in return while those who treat their fellow human beings with kindness and respect will reap the rewards of the kindness and respect of others. This is just one of those universal laws of nature that over time will always be true. People can try to cheat this rule and they may succeed temporarily, but over time, your service and attitude towards others will determine your success whether at home, work or play.
As Loan Officers, we are constantly aware of this law that our professional success is determined by the quality and quantity of our service to others. We have some very tangible systems in place like production, commissions, and net revenue to measure our levels of service as opposed to salaried persons. Such a system is fantastic for many but without proper planning it can be a disaster.
To be continued...