Getting the phone to ring for you is ultimately the key to being a good Loan Officer. Unfortunately right now the phone is not ringing enough for most of us due to a shrinking market and we are all faced with a choice. In sports, it is always important for a team to control its own destiny rather than replying on other teams to lose. This also applies to life and career. You can choose to do what you have been doing, like playing office or making love to your computer. However, that will not get your phone to ring. This can lead to a slump in your career and even you sanity. Fortunately, you can choose to control your own destiny and make something happen. So if you are happy with your current production you can just keep doing what you have done before and hope your production gets better with the market, or you can just keep doing what you have done before and hope your production gets better with the market, or you make some calls, see some people, meet some new ones, challenge yourself, enjoy working while having fun, take some chances, and reenergize your career and feel better about yourself. The opportunities and rewards are endless.