The most valuable asset of an experience Loan Officer is their past clients. Doing everything you can to keep them all happy is not easy right now. If you deliver poor service now due to high volumes of business you run the risk of them looking elsewhere next time.
This has happened to all of us and usually we don't even realize it. Even a valuable repeat customer will be turned off, because you can bet that no matter how wonderful you have been in the past; their most recent experience with you is the memory they will take with them.
So do whatever it takes to keep them happy. Whether is means extending their lock at a cost to you, closing their loan yourself or working a little late to return their calls, you must keep your core clientele happy and not make excuses about being too busy. One day in the not so distant future you will wish you were this busy.
Just remember, you will stay busier in the slow times if you keep people happy in the boom times!