Look over yonder what do you see?
“The sun is a-rising most definitely
A new day is coming people are changing
Ain’t it beautiful
Crystal blue persuasion”
The excerpt from the above named 1969 song by Tommy James and the Shondells gives us a very positive look at a world full of persuasion rather than coercion.
Effective persuasion selling has three key elements; trust, logic and emotion.
A trusting first impression is key and chances are your customers trust you or at least have some sense of trust based upon their trust of whoever referred you. Trust is an essential element of persuasion and without it there is only a sale through coercion.
Indisputable logic- Your game plan for any particular customer must make sense and be professional, educated and compelling. Without indisputable logic, very few of us will ever be persuaded.
Tomorrow we will look at the third and most important element of persuasion; emotion.