It Could Work!!!
Do you have a problem to solve?
Hopefully you said “yes” because in our business we are problem solvers and we should be solving all the problems we possibly can. But what do we do about the problems and issues that can’t be resolved?
The ones that have no solution because there isn’t enough to work with or those that are just impossible due to the time and space continuum that puts limits on all of our realities and movements?
The answer is simple…..move on!!!
Some problems simply cannot be solved and the ability to recognize them as such will serve you well both personally and professionally.
For instance, do you want (and need) to spend more time at work and at home? Most people do. But that problem is as unsolvable as a buyer who wants to buy a rental property with no money down and 550 credit score or a seller with negative equity who has to get enough out of their current home for a down payment on their next home.
Boulder Bolder
-Working on a Real Estate deal that has no chance of closing.
-Trying to “fix” a person that refuses to help themselves.
-Wishing that you could be two places at once.
The above issues are all ones we would love to be able to resolve but there simply is no resolution.
The issues that you spend your time and energy on should be both important and improvable; otherwise you are just wasting precious time.
Consider the mythological story of Sisyphus, a very naughty figure who was punished for all of his misconduct by being doomed to the endless task of pushing a boulder up a hill. Just before he got to the top, he would inevitably lose hold and the boulder would roll back to the bottom of the hill. Then he would do it all over again and again and again. It was just a torturous death sentence.
His story is that of an image personifying vain labor and demonstrating that we should all avoid wasting time or even dwelling on un-winnable issues.
So why approach our issues as if they were Sisyphus’s boulder? The “boulders” are our own creations and the unmovable ones will disappear if we just stop pushing.
This is all summed up in what is now known as the serenity prayer…
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”